Member-only story
Don’t Be Afraid To Be Bold In Your Business
Back when I was in elementary school, we use to read the Weekly Reader. 1992 was an election cycle, so it focused on the two primary candidates, George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton. My teacher asked us if we could vote who would we vote for and why. Being poor black kids living in South Memphis, all of us chose Bill Clinton, and all of them said because that’s who their parents like. I also chose Bill Clinton, but I took it a step further. I explained how the Bush tax plan only benefited people who made over $150,000 and how my parents made nowhere near that. I said that Bush does not seem like a bad guy, but his plan did not appear to help my family at all. That probably represented just about all of us that lived in South Memphis. My teacher went “holy crap” while my fellow students had that “what is he talking about” look on their face. Here’s the thing, I didn’t care what was said about me because I was in my element and I was strong in my conviction. My teacher asked how I knew this and I told her because my mom allowed me to stay up late at night to watch both national conventions. When you are an entrepreneur you have to just “let it fly” and let the chips fall where they may. Going the extra mile and doing the unexpected will unearth new opportunities for you and your business. How do you do that exactly? Here are a few ideas.