Member-only story
Fleeting Power
Famed columnist Mitch Albom tells the story of walking around Ann Arbor with Chris Webber trying to get a story. I guess Webber had not eaten and was hungry, so he asked Albom for some money for food. Albom explained to him that it would be against NCAA rules to do that, so they kept walking. As they continued, Webber saw his jersey, a yellow #4 Michigan jersey with Webber’s name on the back.
It was selling for $75.
Albom said it was at that moment that he knew that Webber, who had led the Wolverines to two national title games, was going pro.
There is one in every family or neighborhood. It’s either the kid that takes his football home when his team is losing or the cousin that changes the rules during a game of UNO when they feel like they have been hit with too many draw fours. However, the common denominator is all the same. It’s the behavior of a whining baby that is not getting their way or can see the outcome of something not going in their favor, and they do something about it that messes it up for everyone. One of the biggest whiny babies of them all is the NCAA, the non-profit that in the 2016–2017 generated $1.06 billion in revenue(Source: USA Today).
That’s right the NCAA is a 501(c)3. Don’t believe me? Look below.